Prem Aware for Prem

Our little bundle of joy Prem was born in November 2017, 10 weeks before his due date, at Leicester General Hospital. A huge surprise and worry for my husband Adarsh and I, there were no signs of any complications through the pregnancy and the hospital called it a rare ‘spontaneous birth’.

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Sarah Miles
World Prematurity Month 2024: Intrusive thoughts after NICU

I glanced over the summary of the Preterm Birth Inquiry Report and a quote jumped out at me as sipped my coffee. “At exactly 30 weeks my twins were delivered by emergency caesarean. One night I was at Pilates and the next I was in hospital and supposedly a mother of two” “Supposedly.” That word hits hard.

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Sarah Miles
Scarlett's first day

As 16 September came around, I was getting ready for Scarlett (born at 31 weeks) to start primary school. I could see she was excited to be starting school but I was so anxious about how she was going to cope.

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Sarah Miles
Happy 10th Birthday, The Smallest Things!

The Smallest Things has hit its own big milestone. The big 10 - double digits! We took our first steps back in September 2014, originally set up as a blog and Facebook page to raise awareness of the ongoing needs of children born prematurely and their families after NICU.

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Sarah Miles
From respiratory failure to rock band: Gregory’s story

Our son Gregory was born suddenly at 27 weeks’ gestation in January 2012, weighing 2lb 9oz (1.16kg).  I was at work 50 miles away from home at the time and had to rush to the nearest hospital in Edinburgh where Gregory was born just over a day later. We were totally unprepared for his early arrival.

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Sarah Miles
A premature miracle: from NICU to Nativity

Four and a half years ago, our world was forever changed when, at just 25 weeks’ pregnant, our son Iwan made an early entrance into the world. Our tiny fighter began his battle for life in the neonatal intensive care unit and was given only a 17% change of survival.

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Sarah Miles
One year later

Our twins, Jakob & Lily-May, were born at 30 weeks and spent a long seven weeks in NICU following their premature birth. Recently, we celebrated their first birthday, happy and healthy, but it has been a long journey to get here.

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Sarah Miles
Giving back, feeling lucky and running for Rufus

Nine months on from completing the South Downs Ultra Marathon (at 50km, my longest run ever), I feel so very lucky and fortunate. Not only for my body, but also for my ability to have crossed the finish line. My twin brother Rufus and I were born at 23 weeks’ gestation in 1994.

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Sarah Miles
Home for Christmas after 19 weeks 

Our daughter Matilda was born at 27 weeks, weighing just 665g (1lb 7oz), in August 2021 after I’d suddenly developed pre-eclampsia two weeks previously. She spent 19 weeks in two hospitals, before finally making it home just in time for Christmas on 19 December last year.

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Sarah Miles