Acting as a visible reminder, The Smallest Things Red Book stickers alert healthcare professionals to a parent and their baby or babies neonatal history.

Every year, tens of thousands of babies are born prematurely in the UK and families face the agonising journey of uncertainty and trauma through neonatal intensive care. But parents tell us all the time that their journey does not end when they leave the neonatal unit and we know that the needs of parents and children born prematurely last long after leaving hospital.

Parents told us;

  • 77% of parents told us they experienced anxiety following discharge from neonatal care

  • 24% of parents responding to our 2021 After NICU survey had been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder following discharge from neonatal care

  • 49% of parents reported feeling isolated following neonatal care

  • 29% felt that their health visitor understood theirs or their baby’s needs

  • 18% of parents agreed with the statement ‘My GP understood mine and my baby/babies’ needs’

The Smallest Things stickers are designed to:

  • Prompt a conversation between health professional and parent about their neonatal care journey

  • Highlight the extra support parents of premature babies may need

  • Increase awareness that parents following neonatal intensive care are at greater risk of developing postnatal depression, anxiety and PTSD

  • Offer a gentle reminder to use a baby’s corrected age when plotting their weight on a growth chart

  • … and to show everyone how amazing our tiny babies are!

Request Red Book stickers for your unit

Units can request Red Book stickers directly from the chairty by contacting us at