Scotton Lingerfield Primary School becomes Prem Aware School

We are delighted that Scotton Lingerfield Primary School in Knaresborough has become a Prem Aware school. This will make such a difference to children born prematurely who attend Scotton Lingerfield who may require additional educational support.

Training and Awareness

Scotton Lingerfield have met all three of our Prem Aware requirements to gain the award - accessing the free PRISM e-learning training for staff; asking parents if children were born prematurely as part of their admissions process; and requesting feedback from parents on extra support required or provided.

By becoming a Prem Aware School, teaching staff at Scotton Lingerfield will have a better understanding of the lasting effects of premature birth, will be well placed to identify issues early and have the knowledge to provide the practical and emotional support children may need on their education journey.

As a school, we are driven to ensure that every child achieves their best possible outcomes. This training was incredibly interesting and has broadened our understanding of the impacts of a pre-term birth. We are a close-knit community and our increased awareness around pre-term births will allow us to provide an extra layer of support for our families.
— Helen Kipling, EYFS teacher, Scotton Lingerfield Primary School
This is great news for families of children born prematurely who attend Scotton Lingerfield Primary School. Our recent survey revealed nine out of 10 parents of children born prematurely felt there was a need for more awareness and understanding in schools. Having trained teachers who know what to look out for and how to help, will make a big difference to children in the classroom. We hope this will inspire other schools to take this step.
— Catriona Ogilvy, Founder, The Smallest Things